Department of Horticulture

Department of Horticulture is offering undergraduate & postgraduate course programs In the field of Horticulture. Most of the faculty members of the horticulture department are Ph.D. & NET Qualified.

The department has very well-qualified teaching and non-teaching staff. There are well-equipped labs and well-established orchards of Litchi, guava, mango, and citrus, as well as different fruit varieties within campus premises to provide practical training in different aspects to the students of the Horticulture. A very well-established Hi-tech Polyhouse for off-season cultivation of vegetables and flowers. We have separate blocks for cultivating other horticultural crops like Dill, Parsley, Thyme, Marjoram, Basil, etc. The primary demonstration blocks feature over 200 species of various ornamental plants, with a significant number of fruit plant species originating from temperate and subtropical regions. Additionally, the department includes a mushroom cultivation laboratory, soil testing facilities, and a collection of butterflies and other insect pests housed in the Entomology laboratory, which are among its notable attractions.

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