Admission Procedure All candidates seeking admission, whether through the Entrance Examination or Direct Admission, must submit a completed admission form along with attested photocopies of their testimonials.
Original documents must be presented at the time of admission. Seat reservations are by the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The selection process for university seats (50% of the total) and payment seats (35% of the total) is based on a merit list derived from the Entrance Test conducted by the college on a national level, as mandated by the University. Additionally, 15% of seats across all courses are reserved for NRI/Management/Sponsored candidates, who will not be required to take the Entrance Test and will follow the Direct Admission procedure.
Any seats that remain unfilled after the designated time will revert to the general category for candidates on the waiting list. The final selection will be determined following an interview or counseling session conducted by the College Admission Committee. Note: Candidates from Jammu & Kashmir and Nepal must provide the original police verification document issued by the SSP or District Police Authority. Fees paid are non-refundable under any circumstances.